At Wellspring Chiropractic, we utilize cutting-edge technology to help our patients alleviate pain and return to their favorite activities. We’re excited to introduce non-surgical EPAT therapy, which stands for Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology. This innovative treatment is also commonly known as Shockwave Therapy, Sound Wave Therapy, or Pressure Wave Therapy—different names for the same advanced scientific approach.

This therapy is among the most advanced and effective non-invasive treatments approved by the FDA. With this method, we have successfully treated conditions such as plantar fasciitis, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, shin splints, frozen shoulder, and others.

New Patients

Conditions Treated

Here are the various types of chronic and acute pain EPAT can treat:

  • Ankle pain
  • Back pain
  • Elbow pain
  • Foot pain
  • Hamstring pain
  • Hand pain
  • Heel pain
  • Knee pain
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Wrist pain

How Does It Work?

EPAT harnesses high-intensity sound waves directed at painful areas of the body to promote healing. This treatment enhances regenerative potential and increases blood circulation to repair damaged tissue.
For instance, if you have plantar fasciitis, the fascia tissue becomes less flexible as you age and experiences more strain. EPAT softens and loosens the fascia band, improving its pliability.

What To Expect

Dr. Watson will conduct an examination to pinpoint the problem areas. He will then administer the EPAT treatment. Many patients experience improvement after the first EPAT session. The number of sessions needed depends on the specific condition being treated. Each session lasts 10-15 minutes, though this may vary based on the condition.

Learn More Today

Wondering how EPAT can help you? Contact our team today to make an appointment.

Contact Us

Sound Wave Therapy Yukon, Mustang, OKC | 405-577-9355